
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

[Mathematic Form 1] Percentages

  • A percentage is a fraction with 100 as the denominator
  • It is represented by the symbol %
Eg: 15/100 is 15%

The percentage of increase or decrease

Percentage increase = (Amount increase / Original value) x 100%

Percentage decrease = (Amount decrease / Original value) x 100%


a) Find the decrease percentage when RM250 is decreased by RM55

Amount decrease = RM55

Percentage decrease = (RM55 / RM250) x 100% = 22%

b) In February, Aiman sold 560 durians. In March, the number of durians that he sold increased by 15%. How many durians did he sell in March?

Amount increase = Percentage increase x Original value

Amount increase = 15% x 560 = (15/100) x 560 = 84

New value = Original value + Amount increase

New value = 560 + 84 = 644

In March, he sold 644 durians.

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