
Monday, July 06, 2009

[Science Form 1] The Air & It's Component

The earth is surrounded by a thick envelope of air called the atmosphere.

Air takes up space, has weight, is made of a mixture of different gases, changes from place to place, and has altitude.

Below is the component and its percentage for the mixture of different gases that make up the earth's atmosphere:
  • Nitrogen - 78%
  • Oxygen - 21%
  • Carbon Dioxide - 0.04%
  • Argon - 0.94%
  • Hydrogen - 0.01%
  • Neon - 0.012%
  • Helium - 0.0005%
  • Krypton - 0.0001%
  • Xenon - 0.000009%
The composition of air is not constant. It can vary from time to time and place to place.

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