
Monday, November 23, 2009

Maths And Science Classes: A Lesson Learned



From B. Suresh Ram in Bandung

THE Education Ministry may emulate the model used by Chinese schools for the teaching of Mathematics and Science in national schools.

This followed the good results achieved by Chinese schools in the two subjects in the recent Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.

Muhyiddin, who is also education minister, said Education directorgeneral Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom would review and study the performance of pupils in national and vernacular schools, as well as in urban and rural schools.

“We may emulate this (vernacular schools’ model) in national schools,” he said at the end of his three-day working visit here.

He was commenting on the UPSR results announced last week.

Research showed that Chinese schools emphasised practical work for pupils, especially homework.

Discipline is also the utmost in these schools.

Activities and sports in these schools also helped build pupils’ IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence quotient).

Muhyiddin said it was also essential to address the performance gap between rural and urban school pupils.

“There is still a gap. We need to analyse this and find ways to close this gap.” He, however, said he was encouraged by the improved results.

Overall, pupils, especially those in rural schools, showed an improvement.

A total of 48,171 pupils, or 9.51 per cent of 506,620, who sat the exam scored straight A s.

Last year, 46,641 (9.19 per cent) of 507,320 UPSR candidates scored all As.

The number of pupils with good results (minimum C) also increased to 63.03 per cent compared with 62.56 per cent last year, while only 0.64 per cent scored all Es compared with 0.66 per cent last year.

Overall, the gap between rural and urban pupils was narrowing.

This could be seen in the contraction in the overall achievement disparity between rural and urban pupils.

The gap between the number of rural and urban pupils scoring five As this year was 3.64 per cent compared with 4.22 per cent last year.

The gap in the number of pupils who obtained good results between the two areas was 5.55 per cent this year compared with 6.25 per cent last year.

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