
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

[Science Form 5] Microscopic Microbes

Microorganisms are small and can only be seen under the microscope. There are various types of microorrganisms, which can be categorised into two groups - the useful and harmful ones.

Useful microbes play an important role. They cause decomposition, synthesise medicines and make the soil fertile, etc.

Harmful microbes, on the other hand, bring diseases, and can be deadly at times.

Microorganisms can also be grouped according to their shapes, sizes, methods of reproduction, nutrition and habitat.

Below shows five different types of microorganisms.
  • Bacteria
    Structural characteristic - No nuclear membrane.

  • Virus
    Structural characteristic - No cytoplasm, nucleus or cell membrane.

  • Fungi
    Structural characteristic - Have cell walls but no roots, stems or leaves.

  • Protozoa
    Structural characteristic - Unicellular.

  • Algae
    Structural characteristic - Presence of chloroplasts.

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