
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Guide To Healthy Eating

Enjoying a variety of foods
  • Eat food based on the Malaysian Food Pyramid.
  • Vary the types of food from each level of the Food Pyramid.
  • You are encouraged to select different menu each day.
  • Try eating foods that you don't normally eat.
Enjoying more fruit and vegetables
  • Eat at least 1/2 cup of vegetables during each meal.
  • Eat at least one type of fruit during each meal.
  • Eat different types of fruits.
  • Choose meals with fruit and vegetables.
    • Example: nasi kerabu, nasi ulam, fruit pudding, fruit/vegetable salad, vegetable salad with peanut sauce.
  • Eat fruit as a snack.
  • Eat salad and ulam with your meal.

Reducing fried and fatty foods

  • Choose white rice instead of nasi beriani, nasi minyak and nasi lemak.
  • Choose roasted, baked, steamed or boiled foods instead of fried foods.
  • Reduce the intake of oily gravy by removing excess oil.
  • Limit the intake of internal animal organs (liver, brains, lungs, spleen, stomach) and egg yolk.
  • Eat lean meat and skinless chicken.
  • Choose foods that do not contain coconut milk.
  • Use less butter or margarine on bread/biscuit/corn.
  • When ordering food, request for less butter/margarine.

Enjoying whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds

  • Eat whole grain based foods for breakfast like oats, corn and capati.
  • Choose bread, pita bread and whole grain breakfast cereals and biscuits.
  • Replace or mix white rice with brown rice.
  • Eat legume based food like bean curd, soya bean cake and baked beans a few times a week.
  • Eat nuts/seeds a few times a week (Example: basil seed in drinks or cakes sprinkled with sesame seeds).
  • Source of whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
    • Whole grains
      1. Brown rice.
      2. Oats.
      3. Corn.
      4. Wholemeal bread/biscuits with rye, wheat, oat, corn and barley.
    • Legumes
      1. Mung beans.
      2. Dhal.
      3. Chickpeas.
      4. Red bean.
      5. Soya bean.
    • Nuts
      1. Peanut.
      2. Chestnut.
      3. Cashew nut.
      4. Almond.
      5. Pistachio.
    • Seeds
      1. Sesame seed.
      2. Dried seeds (watermelon/pumpkin/sunflower seeds).
      3. Lotus seed.
      4. Basil seed.
Reducing sugar intake
  • Replace sweet drinks, syrup, cordial and carbonated drinks with plain water.
  • Replace sweet cakes, biscuits, candies or chocolates with fresh fruit.
  • Choose foods with less sugar. Read label for sugar content.
  • When ordering drinks, request for less sugar or sweetened condensed milk.

Choosing safe food

  • Choose a clean eating place.
  • Make sure food handlers practise good personal hygiene.
  • Make sure the food is clean and safely handled.
  • Avoid eating contaminated foods.
  • Choose fresh or freshly cooked foods.
  • Avoid eating burnt food.
  • Make sure the food packaging, box and tin are in good condition.
  • Limit the intake of food containing preservatives.
  • Limit the intake of food containing artificial colouring.
  • Avoid foods fried using oil that has been repeatedly used.

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