
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Stranger Danger

How do you teach your children to distinguish between the "good" and "bad" strangers? Here are eight useful tips.

Saying no
Kids are taught to always be polite but they must be made aware that it's all right to be rude when they are afraid. They should not hesitate to say "No" to a stranger and to scream, fight or kick when they feel unsafe.

Be specific
Instead of saying "Don't talk to stangers", teach your children which strangers they can approach, such a policemen.

Trust their insticts
Teach your children to trust their insticts. If they don't feel safe, they should try to leave the situation or ask for help.

Safe space
Assure your children they can tell you anything and that you'll love them no matter what. Communicate openly and create a safe space.

Inappropriate touches
Teach your child about the appropriate an inappropriate touch. Call private parts by their biological names (instead od nickname) and stress that no one can touch his/her private part.

Not to treats
Teach your child to be cautious when a stranger offers him/her a treat or asks for help with a task. If that happens, he/she should say "No!" loudly and walk away.

Role play
After the talk about strangers, do a role play session. Pretend you are the stranger and ask your child to enact what he's supposed to do.

Repeat, repeat, repeat
Make safety a familiar topic within the family. Repeat the things you want your children to know.

Source: Protect and Save the Children and Disney-supported parenting site:-

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